



2024-07-21 19:27:05 来源:网络


walk along the road 同义句 -
walk down the road.不知道对不对。
Go down this road


同义句 Walk along the road and take the second turning on the le...
Walk along the road and turn left.
go straight ahead. turn right at the third crossing
GO down this road,and turn left at the second turing (改为同义...
为你解答。同义句:Walk along this street, and take the second turning on the left.沿着这条路走,在左手边的第二个路口转弯。
1.along 2.turn 3.crossing 4.on
walk staight on until you see the traffic lights 的同义句
go ahead until you see the traffic lights
这就难变了,因为根据句意理解,可变的同义句太多了.以下仅供参考:1 Walk/Go down/along the street.2 Walk/Go across the street.3 You will walk past a grocery store.You will pass a grocery store.4 It is the wrong place.It isn't the right place.You've found the wrong place.5等我继续说。
几道英语同义句,请高人解答,在线等 -
6.He saw his old friend the other day.He saw his old friend (. a )(. few )(. days )(.ago )7.Walk along the road and take the second turning on the left.Walk (down ) road and (. turn )(. left )(. on )(. the)(. second )(. turning )8.He uses是什么。
1. wanted ad, turkey, congratulate, important,present, church, candy 2. 题目看不懂3.At last the ugly girl became beautiful.4.Xu Beihong's painting are very good.5.Remember to walk along the road.(同义句改写)Don't forget to walk along the road.6.答案不限还有呢?